3 Weeks to Trim & Slim ~ Pilates Singapore

Back Exercises, Back Pain, Best Pilates in Singapore, Best Pilates Service, Butt Exercises, Cellulite, Destress, Legs Exercises, Pilates Exercises, Pilates in the Park

Yes, it’s true that you can too! 3 weeks to trim and slim! We show you how:

Muscle cells are many times more metabolically demanding than fat cells. This means that the larger the percentage of muscle you have in your body, the faster your metabolic rate becomes. Even while you are at rest, your body will burn about 8 times more calories than normal.

Pilates weight-bearing exercises builds muscle mass and density helping you to burn more fat and calories; thus achieving your weight-loss and shape-up goals in half the time.

The workout: Do these moves as a group or incorporate them selectively into your current fitness routine, 3 to 4 times a week. Combine your workout programme with 15 to 30 minutes of your favourite cardio exercise at least 3 times a week. Eat healthy and reduce your regular portions by some and you will expect to see a tighter, slimmer you in 3 weeks!

Long Arm Crunch

Lie face-up with your knees bent, feet on the floor. Interlace your fingers, extend arms above your head and pull your abs in. Inhale to prepare. As you exhale, lift your arms, head and shoulder blades off the ground at the same time in a slow and controlled manner. Inhale to lower in 2 slow counts. Repeat 8 times.

Side Kick Kneeling
(quadriceps, glutes and abdominals)

Start by kneeling on both knees with your hands behind your head. Reach your left hand down to the mat and raise your right leg parallel to the mat. Your left hand is under your shoulder, your left hip over your left knee, your right elbow reaching to the ceiling. Inhale to prepare. As you exhale, kick your right leg toward the front of the room and then toward the back of the room. Bring your leg back to centre and repeat 15 times before switching sides.

Bridge (with ball)
(hamstrings, buttocks and abdominals)

Lie face-up on the floor, knees bent, feet resting near the top of the ball, arms relaxed at your sides. Inhale to press your feet into the ball. Exhale as you engage your abdominals curling your tailbone and the rest of your spine off the floor until your shoulders, hips and knees form a straight line. Hold the ball for 5 breaths, lower and repeat 8 times.

Side Raise (with ball)
(obliques and hip muscles)

Kneel and press the right side of your body against the ball so your lower ribs and hips are leaning into it. Extend the right leg to the side, big toe touching the floor. Place tops of fingers on forehead, palms forward, elbows bent and wide. Inhale to prepare. As you exhale, lift your torso up off the ball as high as you can, keeping abs firmly pulled in with left hip in contact with the ball. Slowly return to starting position and repeat 6 times before switching sides.

Lunge (with box)
(quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes)

Stand on a small box with your feet parallel, hip-width apart, arms by your sides. Inhale to prepare. On the exhale, slide your left leg back into a lunge. Lean your spine forward on a diagonal making a straight line from your head to your left foot. Simultaneously extend your arms forward at shoulder height, balancing your weight on your right leg while keeping your abs in. Do this 8 times before switching sides.

Step Up (with box)
(quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes)

Stand in front of the same box with your right foot on top of it, your hands on your hips. Inhale to prepare. As you exhale, straighten your right knee and lift your body straight up extending your left leg behind you slightly. Inhale to lower to start. Repeat 8 times before switching sides.

From all your friends at PowerMoves Pilates in the Park πŸ™‚

Your Best Self through Pilates at PowerMoves Singapore

Back Exercises, Back Pain, Best Pilates in Singapore, Health, Pilates classes, Pilates in the Park, Pilates Physiotherapy, Pilates Reformer, Pilates Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation for Slipped Disc

1. How long have you been doing Pilates and how often?

I started practising PowerMoves Pilates in Sep 08 and average about 2 sessions per week.

2. How did you get started? What were the triggers / motivations? Who introduced you to Pilates?

I underwent surgery to remove a slipped disc in Aug 08 and wanted to do something that will not only help me recover but also to make me stronger in order for me to continue to pursue other sports that I enjoy e.g. swimming and cycling.

My wife, Sharon, started on Pilates first as she too was looking for a form of exercise that helps build and strengthen the body’s foundations. She convinced me to give it a try and we’ve not looked back since.

3. What has Pilates done for you, healthwise, so far? Can you compare your present condition to your condition before you did Pilates?

One obvious advantage from practising Pilates is the speed in which I recovered from my surgery. Combining Pilates with regular swimming minimized “down time” post-surgery and allowed me to participate in the swimming leg of a triathlon in March this year, as a member of a relay team.

Since I started practising Pilates, I’ve come to be more aware and have a greater sense of how to control the movements of the various parts of my body to avoid exercise injuries.

4. Looking forward, what are your health goals and for how long do you intend to practise Pilates? Will you get your family and friends to try it?

I plan to remain actively engaged in sports that I enjoy e.g. swimming and cycling, and will continue to complement these with Pilates at PowerMoves.

I would most definitely encourage my family and friends to take up Pilates to improve their overall well-being and more!

Tracking the progress of Herbin Chia and his commitment to making a positive change in his life and in his body at PowerMoves Pilates in the Park Singapore.

Pilates in the Park welcomes 2010

Back Exercises, Back Pain, Best Pilates in Singapore, Destress, Legs Exercises, Pilates, Pilates classes, Pilates Exercises, Pilates Stretch Exercises, Reshape

A wonderful, fit and healthy year ahead to one and all! 2010 promises to be a great year; one where all your resolutions are kept and all your personal goals are achieved. We wish you the most abundant of blessings and the most incredible of successes!

From everyone at PowerMoves Pilates in the Park :-*

PS Hey Claire & all your guys n gals at the office;
Appended below is the list of 3 Pilates stretching exercises that you have requested for, to be done at your desk to recharge yourselves and regain the energy needed to complete your work days:

Pilates Chair Twist
Sit on the front edge of a swivel chair, hands placed palms down on the desk. Squeeze your knees together tightly and lift your feet 3-4 inches off the floor. Without moving your chest that is facing forward while keeping your elbows close to your sides, begin twisting the chair from side to side. Perform 10-20 rotations like this.

Pilates Air Chair
Place the palms of your hands on the arms of the chair, press down hard to lift your buttocks off the seat of the chair and hold yourself in mid-air for a count of 3. Make sure your tummy is pulled in. With your knees tightly squeezed together, try picking your feet off the floor. Lower completely after another count of 3. Take care not to slip on arms of chair. Perform this lift-and-lower 5 times.

Pilates Knee Stretch
Sit on the front of your chair, press the heels of your hands down on the chair by your sides to help lift yourself from your waistline. Alternate lifting your knees as high as you can for as long as you can, one at a time. Extend your leg straight with the lifted knee while keeping your back straight and your tummy in. Perform this 10 times on each side.

Hugzz πŸ™‚