PowerMoves Reopens Next Week :)

Best of Singapore Award, Best Pilates Fitness, Best Pilates in Singapore, Best Pilates Instructors, Best Pilates Service, Best Pilates Studios, Physiotherapy Pilates, Pilates, Pilates and Dance, Pilates at Dempsey, Pilates at Novena, Pilates Cadillac, Pilates classes, Pilates Fitness, Pilates Health, Pilates Matwork, Pilates Physiotherapy, Pilates Reformer, Pilates Reformer Singapore, Pilates Singapore, Pilates Studio Singapore, Pilates Workout, Postnatal Pilates, PowerMoves, PowerMoves Pilates, PowerMoves Pilates in the Park, Prenatal Pilates

PowerMoves Re-Opens on 12 February 2025

We are pleased to announce that our studio at 13 Dempsey Road will
reopen next Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

Set in the tranquil calm and tropical charm of Dempsey, our studio is the
perfect setting to experience the mind-body connection of Pilates for your
holistic wellness and fitness.

Our line is open at 9299-7179 and online at our website under Bookings
(MBO) – so you may already book your next sessions with us.

We look forward to welcoming you back! Here’s wishing you and your
loved ones gong xi fa cai, and the promise of Pilates for your fitness, health
and rejuvenation goals in the new year!

Your PowerMoves family 💕


Best of Singapore Award, Best Pilates Fitness, Best Pilates in Singapore, Best Pilates Studios, Pilates, Pilates at Dempsey, Pilates at Novena, Pilates Award, Pilates Cadillac, Pilates Dempsey Singapore, Pilates Novena Singapore, Pilates Novena Specialist Centre, Pilates Reformer, Pilates Reformer Singapore, Pilates Singapore, Pilates Studio Singapore, Pilates Studios, PowerMoves, PowerMoves Pilates, PowerMoves Pilates in the Park, Prenatal Pilates

We hope you have been enjoying your sessions with us and we are grateful to have the privilege and pleasure of serving you over the past ten years here in Novena.

By way of update, our lease here at Novena Specialist Center expires this November, and we are unable to extend the lease as the landlord has other plans for the space here after our long tenure.

We are seizing the opportunity for renewal and rejuvenation – and most excited with our plan to move back to Dempsey, scheduled for the first quarter of 2025. Some of you will fondly remember our rustic, tropical-styled premises where we were from 2009 to 2020.

In the meantime, with 4 more months before we close our studio doors at Novena, we would like to encourage you to kindly book your remaining sessions with our instructors early to complete your package in good time and within the validity period.

In the event you are unable to do so, we will be placing your package on hold, and transferring the balance of unutilized sessions to the new Dempsey studio when we reopen there early next year.

The PowerMoves team would like to thank you for your support over the years. We remain operationally in full swing to serve you through to the end of October when we will close for reinstatement works.

Please contact our staff at 9299-7179 to book your next sessions with us 😊

Your PowerMoves family 💕

Season’s Greetings

Best of Singapore Award, Best Pilates Fitness, Best Pilates in Singapore, Best Pilates Instructors, Best Pilates Service, Best Pilates Studios, Pilates, Pilates at Novena, Pilates Award, Pilates Blog, Pilates classes, Pilates Fitness, Pilates Health, Pilates Matwork, Pilates Physiotherapy, Pilates Rehabilitation, Pilates Singapore

Happy Holidays everyone! We will be closed from 22nd Dec to 3rd Jan ~ see you in the beautiful year of 2024! 



Transformative Pilates classes found at PowerMoves Pilates studios

Best Pilates in Singapore, Best Pilates Studios, Pilates, Pilates classes, Pilates Exercises, Pilates Fitness, Pilates Machine, Pilates Matwork, Pilates Reformer, Pilates Singapore, Pilates Studios, Pilates Workout

Blogpost Move It!

In Joseph Pilates’ words, “In 10 sessions, you’ll feel the difference; in 20, you’ll see the difference; in 30, you’ll have a whole new body.” Why not experience the transformative nature of Pilates exercises at PowerMoves?

Located at Novena Specialist Centre, PowerMoves is an award-winning Pilates studio, with hourly classes that promise to enhance physical fitness, improve posture and balance, build bone density, and increase muscle mass.

Set up to resemble a tropical resort, PowerMoves has designed a buffet of specialised classes: Pilates Matwork, Pilates Reformer, Pilates Tower, PreNatal Pilates, customisable Physio Pilates sessions, and Power Pilates Promise package.

Sign up to PowerMoves and prepare to experience improved health and increased confidence in yourself!



Courtesy of This Quarterly magazine, October edition 2018.

Tried and Tested: Prenatal Pilates at PowerMoves

Best of Singapore Award, Best Pilates Fitness, Best Pilates in Singapore, Best Pilates Instructors, Best Pilates Service, Best Pilates Studios, Clinical Pilates, Expat Living Award, Health, Most Beautiful Pilates Studio, Pilates at Dempsey, Pilates at Novena, Pilates Exercises, Pilates for Mothers, Pilates for Mums, Pilates Studio Singapore, PowerMoves Pilates, PowerMoves Pilates in the Park, Prenatal Pilates

Tried and Tested: Prenatal Pilates at PowerMoves




Best Pilates in Singapore, Best Pilates Service, Best Pilates Studios, Most Beginner Friendly Pilates, Pilates classes, Pilates Dempsey Singapore, Pilates Fitness, Pilates for Runners, Pilates for Women, Pilates Health, Pilates Matwork, Pilates Novena Singapore, Pilates Physiotherapy, Pilates Reformer, Pilates Reformer classes, Pilates Rehabilitation, Prenatal Pilates

10 years

Come in this November for our lucky draw and prizes galore ~ we are celebrating our 10th anniversary in Pilates, here in Singapore 

Always a pleasure serving you and seeing to all your health and fitness needs through PowerMoves Pilates 🙂

Thank you all for your continuing love and support ~ we are very honored and most humbled.

One in fitness with you,

Your PowerMoves Team


Half and Full Plank

Best Pilates Studios, Pilates, Pilates classes, Pilates classes singapore, Pilates Exercises, Pilates Fitness, Pilates Health, Pilates Matwork, Pilates Singapore, Pilates Video


This is one of the most popular Pilates exercises for developing your core strength and stability. The plank is known to target abdominal muscles and shoulder stability. Full optimization is achieved through the integration of the core stabilization muscles in the pelvic-lumbar region and the shoulder girdle. Good
alignment and solid stabilization must be present. The arms, glutes and legs should be active as well.

The most common plank is the front plank which is held in a push-up position with the body’s weight borne on forearms, elbows and toes. You will identify that a plank is successfully performed when good form is achieved (the body is in a straight line from head to toe), you can feel your core (center) is working and your hands are directly under your shoulders.

Pilates Criss Cross

Best Pilates Studios, Pilates, Pilates classes, Pilates classes singapore, Pilates Exercises, Pilates Fitness, Pilates Health, Pilates Matwork, Pilates Singapore, Pilates Video


The Pilates Criss Cross focuses on the abdominal muscles with emphasis on the obliques. This exercise involves flexion and rotation of the spine, develops pelvic stabilization and trunk rotation, and defines your waist.

Tip: Always keep a lot of length between your shoulders and your ears. Imagine that your back is very wide and that your shoulder blades are sliding down your back as you raise yourself off the mat. Keep your elbows wide and stable. Rotate from the waist.


  1. Lie on your back and draw your knees to your chest in table-top position. Your knees are bent and your fingers laced behind your head.
  2. Lift your shoulder blades off the mat and exhale to twist your right shoulder toward your left knee as you extend and straighten the right leg out, rotating the trunk toward the bent knee.
  3. Come back to centre on the inhale and then exhale to twist to the other side, changing legs simultaneously as the trunk passes through the centre.
  4. Work up to 15 reps on each side.


Standing Leg Stretch & Roll Down

Best Pilates Studios, Pilates, Pilates classes, Pilates classes singapore, Pilates Exercises, Pilates Fitness, Pilates Health, Pilates Matwork, Pilates Singapore, Pilates Video


Often used as a warm-up and cool-down exercise to relieve tension, restore body balance and stretch your legs. The rolling motion strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves blood circulation throughout your body. It also stretches and increases mobility in the back, spine, neck and hamstrings and works on improving your posture.


  1. Begin by standing with your feet hip-distance apart and your spine in neutral position. Your legs and feet should be parallel to each other. Let your arms relax along the sides your body.
  2. Inhale and lengthen your spine as you prepare to move. Scoop in your abs; you will keep them pulled in throughout the exercise.
  3. In the exhalation, tuck your chin under and lengthen the back of your neck. Nod your head forward and let your shoulders drop forward as you start bending your upper back. Bend your knees slightly and continue rolling your entire spine forward and down, one vertebra at a time. Roll down as far as you comfortably can go while keeping your neck, head, and shoulders relaxed. Your arms should dangle from your shoulders.
  4. Keeping your abs scooped and your body draped forward, inhale and tuck your pelvis slightly. Then exhale and begin to reverse the movement, slowly rolling back up, one vertebra at a time. Keep your navel pulled in deeply as you roll your torso back upright.
  5. Return to your starting position. Then repeat the move 5-10 times.


Pilates Swimming Exercise

Best Pilates Studios, Pilates, Pilates classes, Pilates classes singapore, Pilates Exercises, Pilates Fitness, Pilates Health, Pilates Matwork, Pilates Singapore, Pilates Video


The Pilates swimming exercise strengthens the muscles on the back of your body including the butt, thighs and your back muscles. Keep your head and your neck working as extensions of your spine and don’t break the line at the neck. Shoulders are relaxed throughout and abdominals engaged and lifted off the mat.


  1. Lie flat on your belly with your arms stretched out in front of you and legs outstretched behind you. Squeeze your inner thighs and heels together. If this position feels too compressive on your lower back, allow your legs to open slightly but still keep them turned out, with your heels dropped toward each other and your knees facing away from each other.
  2. Breathing continuously: Pull your navel up and off the mat and raise your head off the mat slightly as you simultaneously lift your right arm and your left leg off the mat. Squeeze your butt and try to keep pressing your pubic bone down the mat.
  3. Switch arms and legs and begin an even rhythm of swimming, alternating arms and legs. Think of reaching your arms and legs long away from yourself, extending your body as much as possible.
  4. Swim continuously for a total of 24 total beats (6 full breaths). Try to complete 4 swimming beats on the exhale and 4 beats on the inhale.
  5. Finish by pressing back to rest position, sitting on your heels to release your back.