PowerMoves Reopens Next Week :)

Best of Singapore Award, Best Pilates Fitness, Best Pilates in Singapore, Best Pilates Instructors, Best Pilates Service, Best Pilates Studios, Physiotherapy Pilates, Pilates, Pilates and Dance, Pilates at Dempsey, Pilates at Novena, Pilates Cadillac, Pilates classes, Pilates Fitness, Pilates Health, Pilates Matwork, Pilates Physiotherapy, Pilates Reformer, Pilates Reformer Singapore, Pilates Singapore, Pilates Studio Singapore, Pilates Workout, Postnatal Pilates, PowerMoves, PowerMoves Pilates, PowerMoves Pilates in the Park, Prenatal Pilates

PowerMoves Re-Opens on 12 February 2025

We are pleased to announce that our studio at 13 Dempsey Road will
reopen next Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

Set in the tranquil calm and tropical charm of Dempsey, our studio is the
perfect setting to experience the mind-body connection of Pilates for your
holistic wellness and fitness.

Our line is open at 9299-7179 and online at our website under Bookings
(MBO) – so you may already book your next sessions with us.

We look forward to welcoming you back! Here’s wishing you and your
loved ones gong xi fa cai, and the promise of Pilates for your fitness, health
and rejuvenation goals in the new year!

Your PowerMoves family 💕


Best of Singapore Award, Best Pilates Fitness, Best Pilates in Singapore, Best Pilates Studios, Pilates, Pilates at Dempsey, Pilates at Novena, Pilates Award, Pilates Cadillac, Pilates Dempsey Singapore, Pilates Novena Singapore, Pilates Novena Specialist Centre, Pilates Reformer, Pilates Reformer Singapore, Pilates Singapore, Pilates Studio Singapore, Pilates Studios, PowerMoves, PowerMoves Pilates, PowerMoves Pilates in the Park, Prenatal Pilates

We hope you have been enjoying your sessions with us and we are grateful to have the privilege and pleasure of serving you over the past ten years here in Novena.

By way of update, our lease here at Novena Specialist Center expires this November, and we are unable to extend the lease as the landlord has other plans for the space here after our long tenure.

We are seizing the opportunity for renewal and rejuvenation – and most excited with our plan to move back to Dempsey, scheduled for the first quarter of 2025. Some of you will fondly remember our rustic, tropical-styled premises where we were from 2009 to 2020.

In the meantime, with 4 more months before we close our studio doors at Novena, we would like to encourage you to kindly book your remaining sessions with our instructors early to complete your package in good time and within the validity period.

In the event you are unable to do so, we will be placing your package on hold, and transferring the balance of unutilized sessions to the new Dempsey studio when we reopen there early next year.

The PowerMoves team would like to thank you for your support over the years. We remain operationally in full swing to serve you through to the end of October when we will close for reinstatement works.

Please contact our staff at 9299-7179 to book your next sessions with us 😊

Your PowerMoves family 💕


Best Pilates Service, Most Beautiful Pilates Studio, Pilates classes singapore, Pilates Matwork Singapore, Pilates Physiotherapy, Pilates Reformer Singapore, Pilates Studio Singapore, PowerMoves


Nestled within the latest medical wellness, shopping and lifestyle hub, PowerMoves is now located at Novena Specialist Centre. With hourly Pilates classes that provide total body conditioning to help enhance physical fitness, improve posture and balance, build bone density and increase muscle mass ~ indulge in customized Pilates programmes designed to nurture you to perfection.

Every PowerMoves Pilates class also helps you to:

– strengthen your core and improve your flexibility.
– overcome injury and relieve pain.
– stretch your body and lengthen your muscles.
– feel stronger, leaner and more toned.
– stand taller and breathe better.
– teach your mind focus and body awareness.
– recharge so you feel positively different.

PowerMoves’ award-winning, tropical resort Pilates studios offer you a buffet of Pilates classes ~ including the ever-popular Pilates Matwork, Pilates Reformer, Pilates Tower, PreNatal Pilates, as well as customized Physio Pilates sessions and our very own Power Pilates Promise package.

In Joseph Pilates’ words, “in 10 sessions, you’ll feel the difference; in 20, you’ll see the difference; in 30, you’ll have a whole new body.”

Experience a new capacity and confidence founded on fitness and wellness through Pilates ~ at PowerMoves.

8 SINARAN DRIVE, #02-05, SINGAPORE 307470. T: (65) 6455 2221


10 Tips to Looking and Feeling your Best

Best Pilates in Singapore, Pilates and Dance, Pilates classes, Pilates classes singapore, Pilates Fitness, Pilates Physiotherapy, Pilates Reformer Singapore, Pilates Rehabilitation, Prenatal Pilates

1. Maintain Good Posture

Keep your neck long, your shoulders squarely down and back, your waist long, and your buttock muscles engaged. Having good posture throughout the day is important in maintaining your body’s equilibrium. Good posture gives you proper joint and muscle alignment and also improves your mobility and stability. It increases your breathing capacity and your body’s overall balance and symmetry.

2. Exercise

Commit yourself to small amounts of exercise at least thrice a week. Throw in a cardio workout that you consider fun. Turn up the music indoors and dance while doing your chores. Try brisk-walking in your favourite park or swimming a few laps before the mid-afternoon crash. Step up to moving more no matter what your choice.

3. Build up your abdominal muscles

Contract your abdominal muscles, lifting them in and up your spine. This creates a strong foundation built to withstand the weight of your body and the tasks of everyday living.

4. Strengthen your core

This is vital to achieve ideal alignment of your back and spine that results in a stronger, pain-free back, a more perfect posture and a more elongated you. It makes you appear younger, taller and lighter!

5. Do Pilates

Pilates exercises are great for strengthening and tightening your abdominal muscles. After 3 weeks of working on your abs with the following moves (tips 6, 7, 8), you will be pleased to find that your clothes fit you better around the waist, your stomach is more taut, you become more conscious of the way you hold yourself, and you look and feel wonderful.

6. The Hundred

Lie back with arms by your sides, legs extended in a table-top position. Pull belly button in toward the spine as you lift your shoulder blades off the mat bringing your chin to chest. While in this position, pulse your arms up and down for 100 counts (inhaling for 5 counts, exhaling for 5 counts).

7. Criss Cross

Lie back with your knees bent, fingers laced behind your head. Lift your shoulder blades off the mat and exhale to twist your right shoulder toward your left knee as you extend right leg out. Pause at the inhale and then exhale to twist to the other side. Work up to 15 reps on each side.

8. Plank

Lie face down with your legs extended, forearms resting on the mat shoulder-width apart, hands in fists. Tighten your abs, tuck toes under and lift your hips off the mat so that your body forms a straight line from your head to your heels. Hold for 30 seconds while breathing normally and then lower to start. Rest before repeating 3 more times.

9. Maintain proper form

When doing your Pilates exercises, focus on doing the moves slowly and with a lot of control. Keep your shoulders away from your ears, your neck and chest relaxed. It is always more effective to do a few good moves than many haphazard ones.

10. You Are What You Eat

You are what you eat – cut back on sweets, fast food and anything deep-fried! Splurge on vegetables and fruits instead. Whole grains and lean protein are great too. Remember that proportion is key; take everything in moderation.

Hollywood celebrities are falling head over heels for Pilates — with a strong following from the likes of Madonna, Julia Roberts, Sharon Stone, Sandra Bullock, Gwenyth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston, Uma Thurman, Kate Hudson, Joan Collins, Jamie Lee Curtis, Elizabeth Hurley, Hugh Grant, Reese Witherspoon, Pippa Middleton — because Pilates works as your only anti-aging exercise form!

Sharing our best with you,
PowerMoves Pilates Singapore 🙂

PowerMoves Wins Most Outstanding Service Quality

Best Pilates in Singapore, Best Pilates Service, Most Beautiful Pilates Studio, Pilates Award, Pilates classes singapore, Pilates Matwork Singapore, Pilates Reformer Singapore, Pilates Studio Singapore

The home-grown fitness brand, PowerMoves was recently honoured as the recipient of the SHAPE 2011 Best of the Best Award for Most Outstanding Service Quality.

PowerMoves’ win was ultimately determined by readers’ recommendations and votes. Glowing accolades from readers and clients were peppered with words like ‘professional’, ‘reliable’, ‘committed’, ‘patient’, ‘caring’ and ‘passionate’.

The latter echoes the pledge of CEO and Founder, Claudel Kuek, who says: “At PowerMoves, we are passionate in our service to clients, finding the best fit for every client and class. We do our utmost to ensure the highest standards of care and conduct at every level of our operations.”

SHAPE, the Singapore edition, is itself no stranger to awards. The dedicated health and fitness magazine is the MPAS (Magazine Publishers Association of Singapore) Health/Fitness Magazine Gold Award Winner for 2010. Its annual SHAPE Awards are widely recognized as an authoritative arbiter of standards in the health and fitness industries.

While on the subject of awards, the latest honour conferred upon PowerMoves adds to an impressive trophy cabinet. PowerMoves’ Bishan Park studio was voted Most Beautiful Studio in the World by Balanced Body® in 2009, the foremost Pilates authority in the US. It received the selfsame honour the following year when it was voted Most Beautiful Pilates Studio in the SHAPE 2010 Awards. On entering this tranquil oasis, flooded with sunlight filtered through lush greenery, it’s not hard to understand why.

Though awards are gratifying, and serve to maintain and push standards ever higher, Claudel Kuek attains the greatest satisfaction from helping her clients optimise their personal fitness and hence lead fuller, richer lives. Perhaps her personal philosophy best explains all: “I believe in always being the best you can be, in whatever path you choose to take.”

In PowerMoves’ case, ‘the best you can be’ happens to be the ‘Best of the Best’, according to the SHAPE 2011 Awards. And you can’t get better than that!

PowerMoves Pilates in the Park is located @Dempsey 6ix and 7even, 6 Dempsey Road, Singapore 249683; and @Aramsa ~ the Garden Spa, Bishan Park 2, Singapore 569931.

Written by Suzanne Lauridsen
For PowerMoves Pilates in the Park 🙂