Best of Singapore Award, Best Pilates Fitness, Best Pilates Studios, Pilates Mat Classes, Pilates Reformer classes, Pilates Singapore, Postnatal Pilates, Prenatal Pilates, SHAPE Award

PowerMoves Pilates in the Park wins in two categories of the SHAPE 2014 awards:

1) Most Challenging Pilates Class in Singapore

2) Most Mummy Friendly Pilates Classes in Singapore

Thank you all for your votes!!

PowerMoves ~ offering the best in Pilates classes in Singapore:)

10 Tips to Looking and Feeling your Best

Best Pilates in Singapore, Pilates and Dance, Pilates classes, Pilates classes singapore, Pilates Fitness, Pilates Physiotherapy, Pilates Reformer Singapore, Pilates Rehabilitation, Prenatal Pilates

1. Maintain Good Posture

Keep your neck long, your shoulders squarely down and back, your waist long, and your buttock muscles engaged. Having good posture throughout the day is important in maintaining your body’s equilibrium. Good posture gives you proper joint and muscle alignment and also improves your mobility and stability. It increases your breathing capacity and your body’s overall balance and symmetry.

2. Exercise

Commit yourself to small amounts of exercise at least thrice a week. Throw in a cardio workout that you consider fun. Turn up the music indoors and dance while doing your chores. Try brisk-walking in your favourite park or swimming a few laps before the mid-afternoon crash. Step up to moving more no matter what your choice.

3. Build up your abdominal muscles

Contract your abdominal muscles, lifting them in and up your spine. This creates a strong foundation built to withstand the weight of your body and the tasks of everyday living.

4. Strengthen your core

This is vital to achieve ideal alignment of your back and spine that results in a stronger, pain-free back, a more perfect posture and a more elongated you. It makes you appear younger, taller and lighter!

5. Do Pilates

Pilates exercises are great for strengthening and tightening your abdominal muscles. After 3 weeks of working on your abs with the following moves (tips 6, 7, 8), you will be pleased to find that your clothes fit you better around the waist, your stomach is more taut, you become more conscious of the way you hold yourself, and you look and feel wonderful.

6. The Hundred

Lie back with arms by your sides, legs extended in a table-top position. Pull belly button in toward the spine as you lift your shoulder blades off the mat bringing your chin to chest. While in this position, pulse your arms up and down for 100 counts (inhaling for 5 counts, exhaling for 5 counts).

7. Criss Cross

Lie back with your knees bent, fingers laced behind your head. Lift your shoulder blades off the mat and exhale to twist your right shoulder toward your left knee as you extend right leg out. Pause at the inhale and then exhale to twist to the other side. Work up to 15 reps on each side.

8. Plank

Lie face down with your legs extended, forearms resting on the mat shoulder-width apart, hands in fists. Tighten your abs, tuck toes under and lift your hips off the mat so that your body forms a straight line from your head to your heels. Hold for 30 seconds while breathing normally and then lower to start. Rest before repeating 3 more times.

9. Maintain proper form

When doing your Pilates exercises, focus on doing the moves slowly and with a lot of control. Keep your shoulders away from your ears, your neck and chest relaxed. It is always more effective to do a few good moves than many haphazard ones.

10. You Are What You Eat

You are what you eat – cut back on sweets, fast food and anything deep-fried! Splurge on vegetables and fruits instead. Whole grains and lean protein are great too. Remember that proportion is key; take everything in moderation.

Hollywood celebrities are falling head over heels for Pilates — with a strong following from the likes of Madonna, Julia Roberts, Sharon Stone, Sandra Bullock, Gwenyth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston, Uma Thurman, Kate Hudson, Joan Collins, Jamie Lee Curtis, Elizabeth Hurley, Hugh Grant, Reese Witherspoon, Pippa Middleton — because Pilates works as your only anti-aging exercise form!

Sharing our best with you,
PowerMoves Pilates Singapore 🙂

Pilates at PowerMoves Singapore

Back Exercises, Best Pilates in Singapore, Pilates classes, Pilates Matwork Singapore, Pilates Physiotherapy, Pilates Reformer, Pilates Rehabilitation, Prenatal Pilates

When I moved to Singapore I was keen to try a different form of exercise. After looking around, I decided to join the classes at PowerMoves Pilates in the Park. I’ve been attending classes there regularly for the past two years.

The staff at PowerMoves made me feel welcome from the very beginning. My Pilates instructor instantly recognised my postural type and was able to tailor exercises to suit me. The classes are always varied, well thought out and great fun.

My posture has improved hugely, my back is much stronger and I’m working on a six-pack! I’ve increased my body awareness and I’m able to apply the Pilates principles to other activities I enjoy, like horse riding and running. I’ve also made some great friends! 🙂

Susannah Chamberlain

Flat Abs in 3 Weeks for All Mums!

Back Exercises, Butt Exercises, Cellulite, Most Beautiful Pilates Studio, Pilates, Pilates Exercises, Pilates Fitness, Pilates in the Park, Postnatal Pilates, Prenatal Pilates, Reshape

Many mums and mums-to-be have been calling in to ask for Pilates tips which they can use at home. Here are 3 exercises which you would like to try at home, to address every woman’s most common pet complaint; the lack of tone and strength in the abdominal area!

For the new mum

Pilates Criss Cross – Lie on your back with your hands behind your lifted head and draw your knees into your body. Extend your right leg out long and inhale as you twist your upper body aiming your right elbow to your left knee. Actively lift from below your shoulder and twist from your waist to reach the knee and hold the position as you exhale completely. Switch sides as you inhale bringing now your left elbow to your right knee while extending the left leg out in front of you. Keep from rocking your body side to side and extend your elbows wide. Work up to 10 sets of switches.

For the regular mum who hasn’t done any exercise

Pilates Swimming – Lie face down outstretched on the mat with arms n legs extended. Slowly lift right arm and left leg off the floor, really extending your arms and legs away from each other as far as you can. Actively lift your abdominals off the mat, tighten your thigh muscles to stretch your legs and reach out long to lengthen your lower back. Without shifting your body weight, alternate and switch arms n legs achieving a swimming motion, all this time pulling your navel into your spine. Breathing normally, inhale for five counts (five switches) and exhale for five counts. Work up to 10 sets of 10 counts.

For the mum who has been working on her tummy

Pilates Plank – Lie face down with legs extended, forearms resting on the floor shoulder-width apart, hands in fists. Pull your navel up into your spine, tuck your toes under and lift your hips off the floor so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels. Actively maintain a firm centre, with navel to spine, and your buttocks and legs squeezed tightly together behind you. Your neck maintains perfect alignment with the rest of the body. Breathe normally as you hold for 30 seconds at a time. Lower to rest in between sets.

Tips to achieving your Best self:

– Commit to small amounts of exercise at least thrice a week. Even 15-min sessions are better than nought.

– Throw in a cardio workout that you consider fun. Turn up the music indoors and dance while doing your chores. Try brisk-walking in your favourite park or swimming a few laps before the mid-afternoon crash. Step up to moving more no matter what your choice.

– Proper form in doing your Pilates exercises is very crucial. Focus on doing your moves slowly and with a lot of control. Better to do a few good moves than many haphazard ones.

– You are what you eat. Cut back on sweets, fast food and anything deep-fried! Splurge on vegetables and fruits. Whole grains and lean protein are fine too. Proportion is key. Everything in moderation.

– Maintain good posture throughout the day. Keep your neck long, your shoulders squarely down and back, your waist long, your abdominal walls contracted, your buttock muscles engaged.

– Learn to breathe deeply, completely filling and emptying your lungs with each breath.

Let’s get together to work on achieving the body of our dreams!
Claudel Kuek 🙂

PowerMoves Pilates n Dance Singapore

Pilates Exercises for Pre and Post Natal Women in Singapore

Pilates, Pilates Fitness, Pilates Health, Pilates Physiotherapy, Pilates Rehabilitation, Postnatal, Postnatal Pilates, Prenatal, Prenatal Pilates

Pilates works on developing functionally strong abdominals, a flexible and powerful pelvic floor and a supportive back which is of utmost importance to all women involved in pregnancy and childbirth. Along with these essentials, Pilates also guides you through the discipline of ideal alignment and coordinating movement with breath.

Integrated into all PowerMoves Pilates sessions is also legwork and upper body routines so that your every session is a full-body integration workout. Pilates can transform your pregnancy and fulfill your need for the knowledge and the skill towards a more comfortable, rewarding and wonderful experience in pregnancy.

Come join us for our prenatal and postnatal Pilates Exercise Programmes (Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons). Call 6455 2221 to book your Pilates sessions in our Bishan Park studio today.

Pilates as a lifestyle and philosophy because it works,

Pilates Abs to Die For!

Best Pilates in Singapore, Pilates Dempsey Singapore, Pilates Exercises, Pilates Fitness, Pilates Health, Pilates in the Park, Pilates Rehabilitation, Prenatal Pilates, Stress Relief

These Pilates ab exercises are great for strengthening and tightening of the abdominal muscles. After 4 weeks of working on your abs with these moves, you will be happy to find that your clothes fit better around the waist, your stomach is more taut, you become more conscious of the way you hold yourself and you look and feel positively different from before you started. Your waistline will be slimmed, you will stand taller, and you will eliminate the flabby tummy syndrome.

As an added bonus, the strengthening of the core with these Pilates ab exercises and using that strength to stabilise and lengthen the torso and its surrounding muscles, your posture is improved. Good posture is important in maintaining the equilibrium of the body resulting in improved mobility and stability, increased breathing capacity, proper joint and muscle alignment, overall balance and symmetry. Contracting your abdominal muscles, lifting them in and up your spine, creates a foundation built to withstand the weight of your body and the tasks of everyday living.

Let’s begin our program towards getting Pilates Abs to die for! Listed below are the 7 Pilates exercises to achieve the abs of your dreams:

The Hundred

Lie back with arms by your sides, legs extended. Pull belly button in toward the spine as you lift your shoulder blades off the mat bringing your chin to chest. While in this position, pulse your arms up and down for 100 counts (inhaling for 5 counts, exhaling for 5 counts).

Lower Abdominal Lift

Lie back with arms by your sides and legs extended toward the ceiling, toes pointed. Contract belly muscles and exhale to slowly lift hips straight off the mat a few inches. Slowly lower to start on your inhale. Do this with control and without rocking the hips. Lift and lower for 10 reps.

Criss Cross

Lie back with your knees bent, fingers laced behind your head. Lift your shoulder blades off the mat and exhale to twist your right shoulder toward your left knee as you extend right leg out. Pause at the inhale and then exhale to twist to the other side. Work up to 15 reps on each side.

Roll Up

Lie back with legs straight and arms extended overhead (but not touching the floor). Pull belly button in toward your spine. Exhale as you bring arms overhead and lift shoulder blades off the mat, curling all the way up until arms are parallel to legs. Exhale again as you slowly uncurl back to start. Do this 10 times.


Lie face down on mat with legs and arms extended. Inhale as you slowly lift right arm and left leg off mat as high as you can (extending fully your arms and legs away from each other in opposite directions). Hold for one count and then lower to start as you exhale. Repeat on opposite side and work up to 12 reps on each side.


Lie face down with legs extended, forearms resting on the mat shoulder-width apart, hands in fists. Tighten abs, tuck toes under and lift hips off the mat so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels as shown. Hold for 30 seconds while breathing normally and then lower to start. Rest before repeating 3 more times.

Standing Side Crunch

Stand with feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, knees soft, elbows bent, hands in fists by your shoulders. Tighten abs and exhale as you lower your torso to the left, then to the right in one continuous movement, keeping your lower body very still throughout. Inhale as you come back to upright starting position. Work up to 30 reps on each side.

Always in fitness and wellness with you,
PowerMoves Pilates n Dance Singapore